Business Startups and Franchises in Saint Peter, MN

Browse businesses looking to expand in and around Saint Peter.

Located in the North Star State, as of the 2010 census, Saint Peter had a population of 27,717.

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Saint Peter, MN

City Statistics

Listed below you will find population, income and education related statistics, as well as other pertinent information, for Saint Peter, MN.

Age (median)40.8
Male (median)40.7
Female (median)40.8
Total Population27,717
When compared to the state's average median age of 37.6 years, Saint Peter's median age is 3.2 years older.
Individual (median)$28,179
Household (median)$60,296
When compared to the median income of individuals working in Minnesota, Saint Peter's average income is $3,463 less than that of the state.
Highest Education Level
No Degree and/or Diploma1%
High School Diploma and/or GED51%
Associates Degree16%
Bachelors Degree23%
Masters Degree or Higher9%
Saint Peter has 14% more citizens, with only high school diploma and/or GEDs, than the general population's average, in Minnesota.
Additional Information
ZIP code56082
County NameNicollet County
*Information provided via US Census Bureau

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Businesses and Franchises Looking to Expand in Minnesota

The Grounds Guys

The Grounds Guys, a Neighborly company, is the nation's leading landscaping and lawn care services franchise. With us, the grass is green and the profits are greener

$30,000 Min Cash Required

My Business Venture

My Business Venture gives you the ability to start an online business from your home. We provide you access up to 1 million products & you chose up to 2,000 you want to feature on your website MBVs 10 Price Guarantee on all items on your website ensures you will always be profitable & NEVER be undersold Includes enrollment in MBV University training program.

$3,995 Min Cash Required

Real Estate Sales LLC - Flip Cheap Houses

VOTED TOP PART TIME - WORK AT HOME BUSINESS Are You Looking to Make an Additional 100,000 in the Next 12 Months - No Employees to Hire - No Equipment to Rent/Buy - No Office/Warehouse to Rent/Lease - Start Making money in the First 90 Days - Create Your Own Career Opportunity - Help People in Your Community

$30,000 Min Cash Required

Insulation Commandos

Now is the time to seize the advantages of the insulation industry. By becoming a part of Insulation Commandos, you're not just entering a market you're joining a movement. Step into an industry that empowers you to make a difference while securing your financial future.

$100,000 Min Cash Required

Fleet Services International

Exclusive territory. 1 Industry leader since 2001. 100 financing for U.S. citizens who qualify* plus software package with complete training. 100K 1st year profit potential. National alliances...

$100,000 Min Cash Required

The Commercial Loan Broker Academy

Start shaping your future in the lucrative world of commercial lending today If youre an aspiring entrepreneur seeking a dynamic and cost-effective business opportunity, TCLBA has an exciting offer for you. Launch and grow a thriving commercial finance venture. With minimal overhead costs and an extensive array of financing options to offer, youll be perfectly positioned to meet the capital needs of businesses seeking financial support. Join us as we work to elevate the industry

$20,000 Min Cash Required

Mr. Electric

Mr. Electric, a Neighborly company, is the nation's leading residential and commercial electrical services franchise. With us, business ownership is shockingly simple

$65,000 Min Cash Required

E-Commerce Future USA

Ready to join the future of online shopping? Our E-Commerce Future Partner Program is your ticket in Experience hands-off Amazon stores that effortlessly generate passive returns every month, taking advantage of Amazons 1.5 trillion dollar marketplace. Not only does Amazon handle logistics like packaging, payment processing, shipping and customer service but you can also stock major brand names that are already highly sought after on the platform. Learn more

$10,000 Min Cash Required

Blue Coast Savings Consultants

Blue Coast Savings Consultants is a leading consultancy in cost savings and expense reduction. For over 30 years, our advisors have helped businesses enhance their profits and achieve greater financial flexibility by cutting unnecessary costs. If we dont deliver savings, theres simply no fee.

$70,000 Min Cash Required

Growth Coach - Business Coaching

Growth Coach is a leader in small business coaching. We provide strategic processes to help small business owners, franchisees, and managers drive their success. This is your opportunity to make the money you want, have the freedom and lifestyle you desire, and be your own boss.

$50,000 Min Cash Required

Aire Serv

Aire Serv, a Neighborly company, is the nation's leading heating, ventilation, and air conditioning services franchise. With us, you'll stay cool while your business heats up

$50,000 Min Cash Required

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